Weight Loss Supplement

Easy Weightloss - How to Beat Food Cravings

All people struggle with food cravings. And exactly what is a yearning? Well a yearning is a horrible desire for a specific type of food, typically to please one's taste buds, not just to please cravings. You may find your daily or weekly yearning is felt for sugary sweets like candy, or chocolate. For others it might be a yearning for fatty potato chips or an extra glass of beer.

But, do not fret. The periodic craving is not an issue, in fact, sometimes it is actually a positive experience. Later on, when you have been great with your consuming practices you can indulge your yearnings, satisfying those needs or desires as a benefit for all of your hard work. The trick depends on not allowing yourself to become continuously overwhelmed by your cravings and give in frequently.

What lies at the heart of your yearnings? You may think that your bad habits are accountable for this yearning, or that you have very bit will power. Although, these might be partly at fault, this does not inform the whole story. Food yearnings are also biologically based. In order to beat the food yearning we should understand these underlying reasons.

Your Reasons For Yearning Food

Blood Sugar Level & Serotonin

If you are exhausted or feel depressed your body's natural reason for this is low levels of blood sugar. In response your brain signals that it requires something to raise your blood sugar level levels. This really natural pattern is at the base of your yearning for sugar or carbohydrates. Additionally, another chemical reaction that triggers your yearnings involves Serotonin, our bodies' feel-good hormone. When your body has a low level of Serotonin it attempts to compensate by forcing you to ingest sugar or carbs to raise blood sugar level and Serotonin levels.

But carbs (such as sugar) only launch a short burst of serotonin, quickly fading after being consumed and digested; when Serotonin levels and blood sugar levels fall back down, the yearning returns.

But, there is another major reason that beating your yearnings is so hard (and why they appear in the first place)!

Adrenal Fatigue

If you are stressed out, not received a peaceful night sleep, or are just plain tired for no particular reason you are check here probably suffering from adrenal fatigue.

Adrenal Tiredness, much like the process laid out above, involves your body sending out a signal to the brain for a pick-me-up which is your craving for sugar or carbohydrate treats, or might be, coffee during the day; during the night you may search for alcohol or carbs. All of this only makes the issue worse.

Beating the craving

If you appreciate the standard factors for the yearning, then beating the food craving can be done. It may take a little time but it can be done. To break food cravings, the body needs healthy foods, extra dietary supplements sometimes; this and moderate workout can help suppress yearnings. This procedure might take some time, but you will be successful.

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